
Showing posts from March, 2010


Just a small noise.  Just a little vibration.... just a peep in the right spot at the right time..... That's all it would take, and this would come tumbling down.... Ever feel like that?  Like just one more word.... one more gesture, one more look....  and the explosion will happen.....?? Been there.  Done that. Sometimes though... if you can hold it together long enough.... spring comes and a nice thaw allows it to melt away harmlessly. Words spoken can not be unsaid......

The Road To....

The road spoke to me. It is filled with possibilities. It is crisp and clean in its borders, yet its destination is unknown. Unless you were to take the time to follow it. And if you take the time to follow it, there are many things to notice. There are tracks that sort of parallel the road. Did someone else want to explore the road, but decide to do it their own way? There are power lines that are taking power to.... some one. Somewhere. Do I know them? Do I care? And is it more interesting to know that the road was photographed while driving on a highway above it? In some ways, I was following that road. In others, I was taking my own way. But for a moment in time, I paused to reflect just where does the road go to??