Dog Speak

After our training, Hazer and Kaeden asked to be able to post today. And since it helps me procrastinate vacuuming, I agreed. From Hazer: Today was SO exciting!!! It was nice and cool and I got to go FIND PEOPLE. I got to run through the forest anywhere my nose took me and it was great! I even solved a small puzzle on my own. I found this downed tree that had so much smell of PEOPLE that I was just sure that someone had to be there, but alas, there was no one. I thought it smelled familiar so I came back to the group that had come out to watch and checked them all out and sure enough the smell at that tree belonged to one of the people that was with us. That puzzle solved, I moved on to FIND PEOPLE. (Trish's note: one of the observers with my group had been hidden in that tree for another dog handler earlier that morning. Hazer was compelled figure that out before we moved on. It was quite cool to watch) . As I moved on into a more open area, I CAUGHT SCENT, and it was ...