
Showing posts from January, 2009

Sunrise in Paradise

The sun's not quite ready to poke its face up above the ridge top yet, but it is giving hints that it is planning to do so. I find myself wishing for some kind of clouds in the morning as I drive to work so that I can maybe get a really cool shot. I take my first digital photography class today! I am so excited! Enjoy!

Simple Beauty


Playing with pictures

I went out last night and took pictures of the city and the lights and the traffic.... I played with my camera and learned a few things.... this is my version of a panoramic view of the city. It was fun to do!! I want to drive around at night now and see what there is to photograph.

Canyon fog

This is one of those moments that convinced me that my Nikon MUST come with me everywhere. I didn't have it and all I had was my cell phone. This is a huge canyon that was blanketed in fog. As you drive up the rural highway, this pullout, which is an unofficial vista point, was just barely above the fog bank and the sun was shining beautifully and brightly. I am hoping for another day and time and weather condition just like this one day when I am on this road while carrying my Nikon. But for now, this will do...

Early Mornng View

I am beginning to love the drive to work in the morning because of all the opportunities I see. Here's hoping for more fog.....



New Year

Isn't that what everybody is talking about? It's the new year and now I am going to.... Fill in the blank Be more organized Lose weight Get in Shape Quit Smoking Stay in touch better Spend more time with my family I didn't do any New Year's resolutions this year. Never thought twice about it. I have been struggling to get in shape and lose weight (again) for a while and am slowly winning that war, but I made that decision on a day of the week that wasn't particularly special. I just decided. On a radio show I listen to regularly, the host said something that has stuck in my mind ever since. If you have to make the decision to (put your latest desire here) AFTER (put the next important time frame here) then you aren't ready to do it. For example I will work hard to lose weight after Lucy's party. I want to get in shape.... come January 1, I will commit to doing that. If you aren't ready to do it NOW.... then you aren't ready to do it. And in o...