
Showing posts from 2010

Social Contracts

If you watched this episode of House, you will already understand what is meant by Social Contracts.  If not.... here goes.  He probably did a much wittier job of explaining it than I but... Social Contracts are what make you say "How are you?"  when you don't really have the time or the inclination to listen to the answer.   Social Contracts are what make you answer "Fine,"  even when you aren't really fine, because you just finished talking to an elderly couple who is facing the imminent death of their beloved pet and there is NOTHING that can be done to change the outcome.  Social Contracts are what make you say "Yes the chicken was delightful" even when it was dried up and chewy.  Social Contracts are what make you say "How was your holiday?" the Monday after Christmas... But do you really care?  In the grocery check out line, does it really matter to you how your clerks holiday went?  At Doc-In-The-Box, are you REALLY ...

Magic Wand Anyone?

I hope the shock on my face wasn't projected through the room when I saw her.   Always a strong woman, for as small as she is, she always seemed larger than life.  A free spirit who lived, it seemed to a degree, by the seat of her pants and was the epitome of "just do it."  It is only recently that I realized that I am taller than she.  In my head, her presence, her strength, she was always so ... Big. Just a few weeks ago, she was in a bed just a few doors down from the one she is in now.  But she was still that tremendous presence. The laughter rang through the room as we all talked about so much.  It was only a small set back.  Easy to overcome and be back, larger than life in a short jiffy. Today, I was shocked at  how pale, how fragile, how frail she looked.  I could look past the drug haze, but still, the reality of the situation was palpably clear.  She was Pale. Fragile. Frail. Small. I didn't feel this with my own fat...

Guardian Angel

"I am taking you somewhere very important,"  I told her. Her soulful eyes regarded me with interest, but I wasn't sure she understood. "I have a job for you.  I don't know if you are able to do it, but it is a huge responsibility.  I am entrusting you with someone who needs you desperately." Still, she looked at me.  I wasn't sure my message was getting through, but I had to trust, somehow, she understood. Loneliness eats up a person.  Days on end of staring out a window, shuffling to the refrigerator for a glass of water, and sitting back down to stare out the window; they take their toll.  Not too long ago, the days had more meaning, more purpose.   They had a reason for getting out of bed.  Someone to take care of, some reason to make sure the blinds were opened.   A way to guarantee that she was up and moving, if for nothing more than to open the door a few times a day.   There was a constant compa...

A Chapter Ends

Twenty years ago I met a man.  He was a kind older man who owned a dog.  The dog wasn't his originally, but instead, was his son's dog.  His son had been killed prior to my meeting this man, and this dog, a Labrador named Blue,  was the last connection he had to his son.   That dog was his world.  He walked it faithfully twice daily, and sometimes more if his legs would let him.  He had had polio as a child and, while he could walk, he had definite issues with walking and it was painful for him.  He took the best care he could of that dog.  That was how I met him. He brought the dog into the veterinary clinic I was working at at the time.   We met a time or two there, and then I moved on to other things in my life.  About 3 years later, we met again.  He was a new client and I was a new employee at another veterinary hospital.  And Blue was 3 years older.  Blue developed a few medical problems and we saw Blue nu...

Playing with light

So many intricacies in the photos I took today.  I saw the different colors as I watched the sprinkler run, so I grabbed the camera.  What is so awesome is the fact that what the camera sees is different than what the eye sees.... I so like what the camera saw. Who knew that watering the lawn could be so AWESOME!

Leaving a mark

A long lonely highway.  It has a lot of nowhere all along it.  And this tree has dozens of pairs of shoes slung up in various places all over it.  Some athletic shoes, some boots, some that were once fancy.  All an attempt of someone to make their mark.   The tree fascinated me.  I took pictures of it at all kinds of angles.  Far away, directly under... everything but climbing up into it.  I was amazed at the number of shoes, and the length of time some of them had obviously been there. As I was getting ready to leave I looked around for the first time.  And these were the shoes that didn't make it.  They spoke to me just as loudly as the ones in the tree.    There weren't quite as many as were in the tree, but they were plentiful on the ground .  People making a statement as well. Perhaps we aren't all meant to make our mark on the tree. We can leave just as much of an impact on the ground.

American Goose

Since I took this picture last week, she is in yet another outfit!  I can't keep up with her!!  She makes me smile and makes me look forward to going to work! I will add her newest outfit ASAP for me.  It is interesting, and very cool.  Not sure I have seen her in the same outfit twice as yet, except maybe the rain gear.... but it rained a lot for a long time so.... And yes, I do have a life outside of this goose.  But this goose amazes me, so I share her with you!

Proud To Be An American

And of course..... She's Air Force.... What else would you expect a goose to be???? I was so excited to see her this evening on my way home from work...  The Memorial Day Air Force (think she's a full bird Colonel???) Goose....

*GASP* She's Naked!!

I drove by in anticipation.... what would be next?  Sunny weather is coming, will she be dressed for it???? Alas......... I can share no pictures.... For the Goose.... She is NAKED! Here's to hoping for the next clever outfit!!

Goose Entertainment

This goose lives near me.  I have seen her in many different outfits.  I have seen her in a sun dress, a pancho,  a spring dress , back to a rainsuit, and a nursing outfit.  I have seen her holding an umbrella and wearing a huge variety of hats and bonnets.  And on Easter Sunday she was a shepherd, with a small flock of sheep she was tending to, with large colored goose eggs beneath her. This week, she has been fishing....  I have held back snapping pictures of her, but I cannot any longer.  She makes my drive to and from work a little bit more exciting, because I can't wait to see if she has a new activity she is all set for. Stay tuned to see what else she'll be spotted in next!


I never knew Robert.  Never got to see his smiling face in person.  Never got to hear his laughter.  Never got to watch him learn to crawl, then walk, then run.  Never got to see the joy in his eyes that small children are capable of at the littlest things.   But today, I watched him grow up.  I got to see him as a newborn.  A growing baby.  A toddler sitting around in diapers.  A youngster discovering the absolute joys of a blue magic marker and hands and face and legs and everything in between. I got to see all the many people that touched him.  All the people he touched.  The souls he enriched in almost 6 1/2 years.   Picture after picture on the screen.  Sorting, sampling, deciding.  Admiring, staring.  Crying.  Seeing hurt that is just as raw now as it was in 2002.  Somehow feeling a piece of that hurt myself.   Somehow, in seeing all those snapshots  in time, I felt like ...


Just a small noise.  Just a little vibration.... just a peep in the right spot at the right time..... That's all it would take, and this would come tumbling down.... Ever feel like that?  Like just one more word.... one more gesture, one more look....  and the explosion will happen.....?? Been there.  Done that. Sometimes though... if you can hold it together long enough.... spring comes and a nice thaw allows it to melt away harmlessly. Words spoken can not be unsaid......

The Road To....

The road spoke to me. It is filled with possibilities. It is crisp and clean in its borders, yet its destination is unknown. Unless you were to take the time to follow it. And if you take the time to follow it, there are many things to notice. There are tracks that sort of parallel the road. Did someone else want to explore the road, but decide to do it their own way? There are power lines that are taking power to.... some one. Somewhere. Do I know them? Do I care? And is it more interesting to know that the road was photographed while driving on a highway above it? In some ways, I was following that road. In others, I was taking my own way. But for a moment in time, I paused to reflect just where does the road go to??

Sparkling New Year

These were from a few weeks ago, but they strike me as crystal. Shiny. New. Sparkly. Just like a new year..... Happy New Year.