
Showing posts from July, 2010

A Chapter Ends

Twenty years ago I met a man.  He was a kind older man who owned a dog.  The dog wasn't his originally, but instead, was his son's dog.  His son had been killed prior to my meeting this man, and this dog, a Labrador named Blue,  was the last connection he had to his son.   That dog was his world.  He walked it faithfully twice daily, and sometimes more if his legs would let him.  He had had polio as a child and, while he could walk, he had definite issues with walking and it was painful for him.  He took the best care he could of that dog.  That was how I met him. He brought the dog into the veterinary clinic I was working at at the time.   We met a time or two there, and then I moved on to other things in my life.  About 3 years later, we met again.  He was a new client and I was a new employee at another veterinary hospital.  And Blue was 3 years older.  Blue developed a few medical problems and we saw Blue nu...

Playing with light

So many intricacies in the photos I took today.  I saw the different colors as I watched the sprinkler run, so I grabbed the camera.  What is so awesome is the fact that what the camera sees is different than what the eye sees.... I so like what the camera saw. Who knew that watering the lawn could be so AWESOME!

Leaving a mark

A long lonely highway.  It has a lot of nowhere all along it.  And this tree has dozens of pairs of shoes slung up in various places all over it.  Some athletic shoes, some boots, some that were once fancy.  All an attempt of someone to make their mark.   The tree fascinated me.  I took pictures of it at all kinds of angles.  Far away, directly under... everything but climbing up into it.  I was amazed at the number of shoes, and the length of time some of them had obviously been there. As I was getting ready to leave I looked around for the first time.  And these were the shoes that didn't make it.  They spoke to me just as loudly as the ones in the tree.    There weren't quite as many as were in the tree, but they were plentiful on the ground .  People making a statement as well. Perhaps we aren't all meant to make our mark on the tree. We can leave just as much of an impact on the ground.