Something Wicked This Way Comes.... Or not.

When I was about 10 or so, I had just figured out that my personal space - my home - could be invaded. I don't think anything happened, at least I don't remember anything happening, to cause that realization. It was just there. One night, with this thought fresh in my head, I went to bed. My bed was on the opposite side of the room from the door, with a good view of the door. I thought about how I wanted to go to sleep, knowing that at any moment, someone could come through my bedroom door and.... and... do what, I don't know, but they would be a stranger and they wouldn't belong and it would be bad. So I chose to sleep facing the door. It frightened me to think of the terrible things that could happen, but I decided that I wanted to be able to face whatever was coming head on. So with great trepidation, I rolled onto my right side and faced the door. Eventually, I fell asleep. Nothing bad happened. I survived. Several weeks went...