Fear is a choice

"Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice." (Will Smith -as Cypher Raige -After Earth) My first post in August at the beginning of my bike riding journey talked about my fears. Other posts I have created since then have reiterated those fears and identified new ones. It seems as though a new fear has cropped up for me time and again. I remember being a kid and being seemingly unafraid of anything. As I grew up, fears started to creep in. With fear comes obstacles. If I am afraid of doing or experiencing it, I don't try. I freeze in place. Colonel Chris Hadfield has a phenomenal Ted Talk about fear. He was an astronaut that flew space shuttle missions to the the International Space Station. He talked about facing, and overcoming, your fears. Experiencing them, sometimes over and over again, to get past the fear. ...