Disappointed again... naturally

I cried last month. Truth be told, I've cried most months of my life. Something will be emotionally important in some way - like a song, or a movie - and I will cry. It's not always out of sadness. It can easily be from happiness and joy. It's your body's way of letting those emotions spill out and evening out the chemistries in your brain and body. Last month's tears were tears of disappointment. I hadn't been riding my bike for a bit. Then we moved and I was even less motivated to ride my bike. Where we've moved to though is flat. Seriously. FLAT. It should have been my dream come true place to ride. I told myself I was settling in. I was putting our house in order. Waiting for the internet. Waiting for the plumber. Waiting for the electricity to come back on after a power pole replacement. Waiting for the internet (it finally happened). Waiting for the plumber - again....