Ebb And Flow

In the days that follow, the grief ebbs and flows. It's always unexpected. What should bring tears doesn't. Suddenly, the wave crashes over top of me, and tears flood the room. Around me, so many others are grieving the loss as if it were their own. Truth be told, it is their own too. After four years of therapy with "Dogtor" Raezor, they all had a connection with her. You couldn't help but connect with her. That was her special gift. As they offer their sympathies, they are also feeling the loss and I am finding myself saying the same words to them, trying to console them. I feel bad because I don't have much I can give for I am consumed with the loss myself. This is a first for me and I am uneasy with the feeling of my inability to help another. "The stupid, untrainable dog" was the best gift we could have ever been lucky enough to be blessed with. She brought joy and light into a room. She could temper herself to her audience on instinc...