The Eve of Something Big

If I were on the East Coast or Midwest or a Mountain time zone, I'd be 40 by now. If I were in Hawaii, I have a bit more time. But I have a few more minutes yet....

It seems a bit surreal. I am in such a different space turning 40 than I was turning 30. I remember 30 well, although considering the amount of alcohol involved, I suppose I shouldn't, but I do. It was a fun, happy, care free moment in a time surrounded by a tumultuous emotional roller coaster I wasn't sure I would survive. It was a hallmark year for me as that was the time that I finally discovered I could stand up for myself, by myself, on my own two feet and I didn't NEED anyone... anyone except myself. It was distinctly a time of self discovery and self reliance and purposeful change.

Did I think I'd be here at 40? In a marriage with a wonderful woman, searching for the right house to buy, still working search dogs, and discovering new people to bring into my life? To be honest, I am not sure I even imagined 40 for me. Although I have to admit, I don't think I imagined 30 either.

I have to say I am glad to be where I am at this point. I have some really awesome friends that have grown into family. I have a job with co workers who make me laugh and allow the work place to be an enjoyable place to go daily. I have a wife who is solid as a rock and provides solace, safety and friendship without question. I have dogs that would bend over backwards to make me happy and proud of them.... I think I could go on....

I guess that means that I have a lot. I don't think I can complain at all about any of that. I suppose 40 is just another number... another year, that, taken on face value, has no more meaning than what I give it.

So we'll take a little trip and go to the caverns and the museum and allow someone else to pick up after us and feed us.... and just take advantage of a number to allow us to have some much needed together time....

Sounds like a plan...


Kelly said…
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day together and that it is a fitting start to a fantastic new decade!

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