This is raw. I had a client say something to me yesterday that I would never in a million years have said, even to someone I hated. In a matter of fact tone, she says "So, what happened to your diet?" When I politely smiled and tried to go back to her invoice, she continued "No, really, what happened to your diet?" This time more insistent, as if the fact that I am providing her a service or a product also entitled her to being able to ask personal, probing questions. I suppose I could have said that, with all due respect, that wasn't an appropriate question or that the question overstepped some unspoken boundary. But I was shocked. Amazed. Mortified. Instead, I replied, quietly, rather embarrassed, taken aback, "Sometimes life gets in the way." "Yeah, it sure is easier to pack on all those pounds than it is to take it off!" Did she mean well? Best of intentions and all? In whatever small way, she probably thought she was helpful. ...