Much Ado About Nothing

They say that anticipation of a thing is often greater than the thing itself. Today proved that saying to be true.

I spent 1 1/2 hours at the Social Security office today. When I walked in, there were 3 other people there. I had to check in electronically, making a choice about why I was there. Pushing a special button garnered me a piece of paper with the number E 196 on it. I sat down to wait. There were two windows open and each had a customer actively processing their issue. Within 15 minutes the entire room filled with people. Every chair was filled and the walls were lined with people. Thirty minutes later, one of the customers was done and left and the woman manning the window closed the window and left. I read through two Newsweek Magazines. Occasionally, someone would come from the back and call a name. And then the other window opened and they started playing bingo. They began calling out numbers - O 236. R 329. M 560. As a number was calIed multiple people in the room would frantically look at their shred of paper hoping they had the winning number. I kept waiting for my special bingo number to come up. Finally it did. I took a deep breath, walked up to the window and sat down.

As I handed the paperwork I said, as calmly and coolly as I could manage, "I am here for a name change after a marriage." And held my breath.

Her computer hiccuped initially. It gave her fits and I was sure there was some secret special code embedded in my paperwork that would make it get rejected. Alas, as I was sure I was turning blue, she tip tap typed away and within moments she said congratulations on my marriage, had me sign a piece of paper and handed my a receipt showing the changed information!

It is official! In two weeks I get my new card and I can go to DMV and play DMV bingo!

Yipppeee !!


Kelly said…
DMV bingo is MUCH faster

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